About Me
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↓ …siMpLy mE!!.. ↓ </div>
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i rEaLLy cAn’t dEny iT..i iM hU i aM,.i’M nOt dAt sMOoth tYpE Of gUrL…i rUn iNtO tHinGs…i tRip,, .I spiLL
thiNgS a LOt..i sAy sTUpiD tHinGs… I’m pReTty cLUmsy …iM nOt a pErPEcT gUrL & i LikE bEiNg uNpErpEcT… i aM GoOD,.bUt nOt aN aNgEL .i dO siN bUt iM nOt thE dEviL,,i hAvE fRiEndS ..bUt i aM nOt thE pEacEmAkEr..i aM jUst a sMALL gUrL iN a biG wOrLd tRyiNg tO fiNd sOmEonE tO LOvE…
I’m a gOod hEartEd pErsOn hU LikEs tO hAvE fUn nD fUn nD fUn..*LOL bUt kNOws hOw tO cHiLL tOo..
iF u jUsT LOok aT mE ..u miGht thiNk thAT iM a sHy typE pErsOn..mUtE nD anGELic ..bUt iF u wiLL tALk tO mE uR thOughTs wiLL sUddEnLy chAngEd nD u wiLL nOticEd thAt iM thAt fREak nD crAzy pErsOn iN thE whOLE wOrLd..*LOL
i wiLL aLwAyS bE dEpEndAbLE as a friEnD unLEsS yOu piSseD mE OfF anD i’LL dO thE sAmE “twicE”LOL:)…i’vE mAdE <i>miStAkEs</i> iN my Lyf..i’vE LEt pEopLE tAkE aDvAntAgE Of mE..nD I <i>aCcEptEd</i> wAy LEsS thAn i <i>dEsErvEd</i>…bUt, i’vE LEarnEd frOm my bAd chOicEs nD evEn thOugH thErE arE sOmE thiNgS i cAn nEvEr gEt bAck nD pEopLE hU wiLL nEvEr bE sOrRy ..i’LL knOw <i>bEtTer nxT tyM</i> nD I wOnT sEttLE fOr <i>aNythiNg</i>LEsS thAn i dEsErvEd….,
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[♥]i LABb disS crAzy trAgiC sOmEtyMs aLmOsT mAgiC awfUL bEautifUL Lyf!! [♥]