">http://off1.picsrc.net/images/ytibu/ad742ee248096bbd0048303a6003d8ec.gif" border="0"/> This little greeting, I’m sending your way Hoping that maybe, I’ll brighten your day! With it comes Happiness Love and Good Cheer Prayers for You, Throughout the whole Year ___00000___00000 *.*.*Not a tear in Your eyes, __0000000_0000000. * *But Smiles on Your face. __0000 OOOO 00000. * *One that’s so bright and ___0000000000000 * . *Can light up the darkest ____00000000000 * . *. * . * .*place. ______0000000 * . *. * . * .*Laughter ringing. ________000 * . *. * . *So loud and so true. _________0* . * .. That No one around You, Could ever be blue. Just remember these prayers, I’m sending your way, Because You are My SWEET FRIEND ">http://images.mariluz1325.multiply.com/image/0q9+3n6A-tmjWinJPHtaBw/photos/7M/300x300/8127/0239.gif?et=NLHCx%2BK9T5XLROLEHiXujw&nmid=0" border="0"/> ">http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/dce1ac3354ae4283613ff0af3f67cef8.jpg" border="0"/>
SsShH... dOnT AfRaId... ItS Me... JuS PuTtInG A BlAnKeT Of lOvE UpOn u... So tHaT U'Ll nEvEr fEeL ThAt u r aLoNe.. lOvE YoU My FriEnD... hAvE A CoZy sLeEp fUlL Of hEaVeNlY DrEaMs... GoOd nIgHt">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/05/114509/114509.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://www.desicomments.com/graphics/weekend/19.gif" border="0"/>
Hi Moon!!!Dim Ur light...Hello Wind!!!Breeze Soft...Hi Flower!!!Blossom Slowly.Hello Earth!!!Spin Gently....bcoz My sweet friend is going to sleep. Sleep well.. ">http://m.orkutnow.com/en/scraps/good-night/good_night_moon.gif" border="0"/>