كل عام وأنت بخير *معايده بدون معرفه*
Hello dear,
Please reply back with my email (samora635@yahoo.co.uk)
My name is Ora. i saw your profile today at(ownskin.com)and became interested in you,i will also like to know you more,and if you can send an email to my email address,i will give you my pictures here is my email address (samora635@yahoo.co.uk) I believe we can move from here! Awaiting for your mail to my email address Remember the distance or age or color does not matter.
صدق اللي قال ما يموت غير لكويس هاهاهاها شنجك يا سي الحاج
وحشتنا يا عمو الشايب ؛ و الحمد الله ع سلامتك
صباح الخير علي ناس درنه المنورين **
![](<a target=)
">http://www.arab7.com/up/file/1104914595333.jpg" border="0"/>
شايب تلايط ، مسوي خويي بالاونه الاخيره !!، من قلبتو ع معمر وانت ناشبن لي ، كن الخلاف بيني وبينك سببه معمر وجاي ترجع احبال الوصال خخخ !!؟
Glad to saw your profile on
ownskin.com and i was much feeling over it,i,m miss faith by name, please contact me with my private email address edwardfaith24@yahoo.com
i will like us to hold a good relationship with a real love i will send you my picture and also tell you meore about me,waiting to read your mail.
yours new friend
مدري وش انت كاتب لغتك مش مفهومه اضبط اللغه بجهازك ، بس كويس لساتك حي هههه