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Último inicio de sesión: 9 years ago
Themero desde: 12 years ago
Comunidad/Localidad: Kuala Lumpur
Genero: Masculino
Edad: 40

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Relación: Soltero
Modelo de Movil: TECNO F5
Operador de Movil: 2349034487809
Ocupación: Computer Engr
Escuela: college
Me gusta: honesty
Odio: fakers, lies
Música Favorita: RnB, Christian songs
Peliculas Favoritas: love storry
Libros Favoritos: the holy Bible
Famosos Favoritos: Jesus
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LIFE IS AS FREE AS A WAVING FLAG: The only you that can ever be is you.

OwnSkin In-A-Box

Sobre Mi

am cool and very simple.i love to meet people and make new friends,i love honest people and i hate arrogance.am a christian and God fearing

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7 years ago

9 years ago
You can't care what
other people think
of whom you
choose to love, or
not to love. When
it comes to your
love life, it's NOT
the time to be
satisfying other
people's opinions.
The difference
between what's
good for you and
what's good for
everyone else is

">http://www.desicomments.com/dc3/08/274091/2740911.jpg" border="0"/>

Gud Evening friend
12 years ago
a successful life is expensive,it will cost you something to become a champion.a man's greatness lies in his power of thought.the very first step in building wealth is to spend less than what you earn.a person who wake up in the morning and become great did not sleep in the night.the price of greatness is responsibility.if you wish to reach the highest begin at the lowest.wealth can be our destruction on earth unless it assist us to heaven.Availability is the greatest Ability. The largest army can be defeated but a determined man can never be defeated.success comes from within and end up outside.their friends plan your life well this day
12 years ago
in life every body hustle for the same goals.in life every body have someone special to them and such special people deserve special care,love and support.you are special to me that's why i can't do anything to hurt you.i promise i'll take good of you.this day i give you my love cause you are the only one worth it.i loved you first time i saw you, i still love you and will neve seize to love you becuase you are the real definition of love to me.living without your love is like living without water.my love you'er all that i wanted. Your love drives me crazy,am madly inlove with you.i love you for real.
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